
smoke signals

 I awoke with a thought and part of a dream - what if I sent smoke signals? 

I quickly feel back to sleep until my alarm buzzed again. The thought stayed with me throughout the day. A S.O.S. to friends, B.B.L. to roommates, I.L.Y to family and loved ones. But with all that smoke, my signal is sure to get lost and misinterpreted with the signals of others.

How do you signal complicated thoughts and messages? If you had to break down what you were trying to say to another person in the simplest form, would we all be better off? Less beating around the bush and straight to the point? Yes. No. Now. Later. Has making it easier to send messages via phone, text, email, tweet, etc. actually made it harder for us to communicate?

I'm working on simplifying my life. With materials things, with my friendships, relationships, my entire self. Let's get to the point. I can't help feel that with all these complicated signals flying around that I'm losing my message in all the smoke.

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