It just seems to fall out of men's mouths, first subtly as in a suggestion towards their central park address. I politely smile and move on to another subject. Somehow, "where did you grow up" or "what do you like to do for fun" translates into an answer about what exotic place they spent their childhood and how they like to spend their weekends in the Hamptons (you know, very low-key). I don't really know how much more delicate I can be. Take my shrugging you off, not returning your calls and pretending to ignore you as a sign - you can't buy my love or attention.
I am well aware that I live in a city that revolves around what you wear, where you eat and what you look like, but when did men loose their manners and all sense of dating etiquette? Just because your opening your wallet to buy me a drink does not mean I owe you a goodnight kiss. Because you told me your apartment overlooks the city will not get you a second date, rather the opposite. Why does it seem like every man in New York City is willing to buy me Madison Avenue but no one is willing to hold the door?
Don't take me wrong, I appreciate being spoiled at times. I adore thoughtful cards and unexpected gifts. I do not however understand why men feel it necessary to explain to me at length the types of cars they drive, apartments they own and professional hierarchy. All it says is, you're insecure and you think that I value money over a personal relationship. How sad that I live in a place where women feed off of this information? You know what would really impress me? A phone call instead of a text, commenting on my laugh rather than my ass or offering a hand when I'm trying to climb (as smoothly as possible) out of a cab. As a single gal in New York City I just feel the need to put it out there for all the single men, it's not rocket since, it's romance.