
finding time

I can never find enough time in the day. For example, not being able to update this blog as much as I'd like. One thing I am trying to make more time for is thanking my friends and family for their endless love and support. Dropping a little letter in the mail to my sister to remind her of how proud I am or cooking dinner for a friend who traveled all the way to Hoboken (it's not that far!) to hang out goes a long way. It amazes me how many genuine people I have in my life. Being able to pick up the phone to work out a problem, issue or just to have some company means the world to me. Last fall I started a 'blessed journal' where every night I write down 5 things I am blessed to have in my life. These things range from 'a good cup of coffee' to 'my mother's endless support and advice.' It's such a simple thing to do and it makes me realize, no matter how long, testing or stressful my day has been, there are good things all around me that I am grateful for. I'm not a religious person but these are silent thank yous to the people around me and reminders of how wonderful I do have it.
A very special thank you to those four of you who follow my blog, thank you for your encouragement and sweet feedback! xo


  1. make that 5.
    i enjoy your posts, no matter how occasional.
    and i made a recent post called "making time."
    here is to blogging more.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous blog, can't stop reading. Love the name too! hehe

