As much as I try to deny the fact, I am an adult. Once I turned 25 years old earlier this year, I realized that I should probably stop fucking around and act my age. What I didn't know is, I actually already was. Subtly over time, habits and personality traits of my younger self began to disappear and I began to grow up. While walking home today from the grocery store I realized while passing a high school girl how much younger she actually was than me, and how glad I am that I am done with that chapter of my life. While friends can still hurt your feelings and your heart still breaks the same, there are bits of things I do on a daily basis that categorize myself as an adult. Below are 10 signs of my adulthood that are both light-hearted, and laughable. Enjoy.
1. I force myself to eat vegetables, the one's I don't like 2. I save recipes 3. I use the term "tween" as a general description 4. I'm done dating assholes 5. I don't use the term "when I get older" I say "eventually" instead 6. I critique other parents parenting skills instead of blaming the child 7. I don't want to waste a sick day on actually being sick 8. I no longer buy the cheapest wine bottle at the store 9. I drink coffee not for the caffeine but because I like the taste 10. I am genuinely concerned with what I will feed my guests if they come over before we go out
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