
the art of losing

I have a neurotic habit of placing the same items in the exact same spot. When I suddenly moved, all my places had to be re-established. Because nothing had a place or home I would lose things constantly. I lost my new apartment key for a day, lost by old apartment keys for 2 days, lose my phone on the daily and yesterday I lost a small notebook. I know that it seems trivial and that it'll show up eventually but for the time being, it really makes me feel a bit nutty and out of sorts.

I have been jotting notes down in that little book since I've moved. It's been home to grocery lists, inspiration for work, thoughts that flood my mind, quotes from friends, family and yoga teachers and daily ramblings that later turn into blog posts or questions to resolve later. Let me also say that I have an entire box of these notebooks. I have a notebook from high school, my first year in college, from my internship summer in NYC and well you get the point. I hardly ever throw them away because I can pick them up and take a glimpse into what was going on. What was I buying, worrying about, thinking about, where was I going and who was I with during these adventures?

I also feel that beginning a new notebook would mean that I've "given up" on my lost notebook which I'm not ready to do. So for a few days I'll make notes on random pieces of paper, my iPhone, whatever is available. If it comes to having to get a new book then I'll drag my butt downtown to pick out another which is a whole adventure in itself. For the day thus far here are my notes:

1. Find the notebook 2. Pay the dry cleaner 3. Nineteen 4. Call movers to confirm 5. Breathe deeply

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