
love letters

When I was younger I wrote lots and lots of letters. I had moved between the third and fourth grade to a new school and area of Pennsylvania and to keep in touch with friends I wrote them. I passed notes in school and sent snail mail to anyone I could. I had tons of stationery and made my own. My first job in New York City was working for a stationery company, it was only fitting.

Most of the time I wouldn't have a stamp or would have already used all the stamps so I devised a brilliant plan of taping coins to the letter with a note for the mail person to please place a stamp on my letter. It worked every time. I was too shy to actually meet and thank them ever but it was amazing that this person would do this for me, I can't imagine that actually working now. Even today whenever there is a birthday, holiday or just for the hell of it, I write letters. If I have your address, you've probably gotten a little love letter from me here and there. I love the entire process or selecting the perfect note, addressing the envelope and filling in the card, notecard, postcard, whatever. When our inboxes are full, our mailboxes only contain bills and junk mail. Until now….

I propose a little project. Email me your name and address to suddenlylovely@gmail.com and I will send you a little love note. I know some of you personally who read this but some of you I'm sure we've never met. I'd love to know who this is reaching and where in the world you are. But even if I do know you don't shy away, shoot me an email! And don't worry, this will only be used for good and not evil. So email me and get a little something in return. Who knows, maybe we'll become our own sort of grown up pen pals.

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