
juicy juice

 So here's the thing about juices.

I've always been 100% "get that stuff away from me." I saw people "juicing" or "cleansing" and I'd roll my eyes and tell them to hit the gym if they wanted to lose some weight or what not. What I didn't realize is that a juice can be added to your normal eating habits just as an extra dose of nutrients and antioxidants. A coworker of mine inspired a trip to our local bodega-style juice bar. I tried an orange, ginger, carrot and apple juice and it was love. Most recently my roommate Mel has been mixing up a Super-C which I've listed below. The spicy, sweet taste is amazing. My new approach to juice is that it's a healthy alternative when I'm craving something sweet. Instead of reaching for a lemonade or other store brand juice, I go to the counter and order a freshly made juice. No sugar crash, no unhealthy additives. Having that I was the world's biggest jerk about the entire fad, you should give it a try. It's changed my mind, it may change yours. Enjoy.

from Everyday Raw Detox by Meredith Baird

The combination of pineapple and orange is a mega dose of vitamin C, a powerful cold and flu fighter. Pineapple provides an additional benefit with the enzyme bromeliad which helps suppress coughs and loosen mucus. Jalapeños elevation sinus congestion and reduce sinus headaches. Everything about this juice makes it a flu fighter. Or in my option, just plain good.

Makes 1 juice serving
1 quarter fresh pineapple
1 orange
1/2 handful of cilantro
1/2 small jalapeño, seeded

1 comment:

  1. Juicing in the gym is very good for health. It gives energy to your body for more workout.

    Tahitian Noni Juice
